6 Tips for a Fire-Safe 4th of July
Conditions are perfect for celebrating this Fourth of July: It's sunny, warm, dry, and a great way to start a three-day weekend. But did you know these conditions are also ideal for wildfire?
Notes from the Field: Wildfire, Wildlife, and Collaboration in Australia
One of the more exciting things I have opportunity to do as a wildland fire scientist is traveling and learning about fire in other countries, cultures, and ecosystems. This summer I find myself in Australia, home to one of the five Mediterranean-type ecosystems in the world.
- Scott Stephens, Co-Director, UC Berkeley Center for Fire Research & Outreach as part of his Fulbright Fellowship in Perth, AU
Fire Season 2014: What to Expect?
The year 2014 is exceptional for California weather, and has the potential to be a similarly exceptional year for wildfire. What should we expect and what can we do to be prepared?
by Carlin Starrs, Policy Analyst, and Scott Stephens, Co-Director, UC Berkeley Center for Fire Research & Outreach
Nearly 10,000 Acres Burned in Southern California Wildfires
From KQED: The wildfires raging in San Diego County are raising statewide concern over what is shaping up to be a dangerous fire season. We'll get an update on the situation in Southern California and discuss the best ways to reduce fire risk.
Blodgett Biomass Recovery Project
This is the latest HD version of the Blodgett Biomass Recovery Project, highlighting the benefits and challenges associated with managing forest biomass and transforming it into a source for renewable energy generation.